Bianca Bondi
Bianca Bondi
Ludovic Delalande
Reiffers Art Initiatives Presents “Les Apparitions”, its Very First Permanent Exhibition
Guillaume Bouisset
Bianca Bondi
It’s MAXXI Gala Time: The Elite of International Art and Culture Take Centre Stage in Rome
Gaël Charbau
Bianca Bondi
Marine Van Schoonbeek
Anne Monier
The Exhibition at Hangar Y Sheds a New Light on Toys
Guillaume Bouisset
Bianca Bondi
The Exhibition at Hangar Y Sheds a New Light on Toys
Bianca Bondi
Jeanne Brun
The Outstanding Surrealist Dinner and Ball by the Amis du Centre Pompidou
Jean-Michel Crovesi
Bianca Bondi
Pierre Lungheretti
(RE)GENERATION, The Group Exhibit for The Third Edition of The Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize
Bianca Bondi
Paul-Emmanuel Reiffers
(RE)GENERATION, The Group Exhibit for The Third Edition of The Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize
Bianca Bondi
Guillaume Bouisset
New Installations at Hangar Y’s Sculpture Park
Bianca Bondi
The Fondation Louis Vuitton Exhibits the Work of Mark Rothko, The Explorer of the Human Soul
Bianca Bondi
Reiffers Art Initiatives Unveils Exhibition by Lorna Simpson and Gaëlle Choisne
Patricia Racine
Bianca Bondi
Ludovic Delalande
“Infiltrées – 5 manières d’habiter le monde”, the Exhibition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2023
Bianca Bondi
Jérôme Sans
“Infiltrées – 5 manières d’habiter le monde”, the Exhibition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2023
Paul Gruber
Bianca Bondi
Marc Chaudemanche
“Infiltrées – 5 manières d’habiter le monde”, the Exhibition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2023
Ludovic Delalande
Han Bing
Thibaut Wychowanok
Binta Diaw
Bianca Bondi
“Infiltrées – 5 manières d’habiter le monde”, the Exhibition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2023
Joseph Kouli
Ludovic Delalande
Ndayé Kouagou
Bianca Bondi
Jennifer Douzenel
“Infiltrées – 5 manières d’habiter le monde”, the Exhibition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2023
Geraldine Breuil
Bianca Bondi
An Initiatory Journey at Lafayette Anticipations
Agnès Gryczkowska
Bianca Bondi
An Initiatory Journey at Lafayette Anticipations
Bianca Bondi
Cyrille Troubetskoy
“Planet B. Climate Change and the New Sublime”: the Radicants project launches in Venice
Bianca Bondi
“Planet B. Climate Change and the New Sublime”: the Radicants project launches in Venice
Jenn Hutt
Bianca Bondi
Guillaume Bouisset
‘Icons of Modern Art’: The Fondation Louis Vuitton presents the Morozov Collection
Bianca Bondi
‘Icons of Modern Art’: The Fondation Louis Vuitton presents the Morozov Collection
Bianca Bondi
Guillaume Bouisset
Thanks for Nothing celebrates three-year anniversary
Bianca Bondi
Nina Childress presents “Lobody Noves Me” at Fondation d’entreprise Ricard
Joséphine Dupuy Chavanat
Bianca Bondi
Benjamin Derouillon
Suela Cennet
Paul Mignard wins the 5th edition of Bourse Révélations Emerige
Bianca Bondi
Ferdinand Kokou Makouvia
Anna Solal
Franka Holtmann
Corentin Grossmann
Yann Serandour
Hoël Duret
Anna Solal wins the 2018/19 Meurice Prize for contemporary art
Bianca Bondi
Rosario Caltabiano
Anna Solal wins the 2018/19 Meurice Prize for contemporary art
Bianca Bondi
Emerige Revelations 2015 Fellowship
Bianca Bondi
Kenny Dunkan
Vernissage “Silence Trompeur” by Marcelline Delbecq
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